Books by Dr. David Jeffares
Now available in E-Book format
The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this
Daily Devotional
March 29
hild of the King, do you have a problem sometimes telling the truth?
Do you simply "cheat" a little on the truth and tell little
lies to cover up for what would embarrass you? Here's how to deal
with this problem: In James the word tells you, "Let your "yes"
be "yes," and your "no," "no," lest you
fall into judgment." (James 5:12b NKJV) Take that commandment
and obey it. What you do is to determine and contract with your
Father that you will not ever tell a lie again. The problem with you
in the past where lies are concerned is that you have been unwise. If
fact, if you are to keep quiet about a situation that would damage or
hurt yourself or some other person, the Holy Spirit will "cover"
the atmosphere around you so that questions from others will not even
be asked to embarrass you. This will take place if you agree either
to say nothing (your 'no' of the scripture in James), or to obey
another verse that says, we should "speak the truth in love."
(Ephesians 4:15) In other words, child in the act of "speaking
the truth," that truth is your speaking the Holy Spirit into a
situation. The Holy Spirit of God being spoken into a situation
destroys the power of a lie to deceive and destroy you or your loved
ones. That is good news!! Does this make sense? Here's more to help
you understand: If you lie (call it what it is) that lie coming from
you grieves the Holy Spirit away from you to defend you and bless
you. That same lie creates an atmosphere around you from the devil
which will only take that lie and use it against you. It will create
in the mind of the person to whom you have told a lie a sense of
suspicion and the Devil will influence that person to attack you
because you have chosen to lie. Thus, you have two decisions: One:
you may lie and hope to cover for yourself or for others, or you may
say "no" to that lie, and tell the person that you have
nothing to say to them about the issue. No one says that you "must"
speak. Be silent, and the Lord will give you wisdom of how to be
silent. Second: if you honor God by refusing to lie at all, then
again, the questions will not ever come to mind against you to trap
or attack you from the enemy through another person. Finally, if you
are afraid to speak the truth to someone, pray and ask the Father. It
may be that it is time for you to come "clean" and get the
problem out into the open before your brother or sister. Do not be
afraid, if you are prepared to speak the truth, God will go to that
other person and give you divine favor with them to be able to
receive the truth and deal with it. Beloved, you need this advice
today, take it to your heart! Love your Father in Heaven.
Father, I live for the day when it will be simple and fully joyful to speak the truth always, or to keep silent in the presence of your Holy Spirit. I need wisdom from you to know the difference. I know that you will help me because you truly love the truth coming from the hearts and mouths of your children. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!
30 Aug
David Jeffares
in Podcast / Sermons
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