Featured Sermon

Living Under an Open Heaven

The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this

Daily Devotional


April 20

hild of the King, how would you like to really see the Devil crushed and his power against you destroyed? He has tormented, tortured and attacked you and your family for years. He seems to run rampant all over the place, and he seems to enjoy the freedom to attack you without paying for it. This does not need to be the case however. There are ways that you can fight back and have the joyful satisfaction that he dreads seeing you coming down the road. Your friend, the apostle Paul has some interesting words to say about this. In (Romans 16:20a NKJV) he says, "And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly (in just a little time from now)." What do you think about that statement? Paul speaks with powerful assurance when he talks of your Father "crushing" the Devil under your feet! He says earlier in verse 19 that the key words are "obedience" and "wisdom" concerning evil. In other words, Child of God as you determine that to obey God is the most important action of your walk in the Holy Spirit, you will see your Heavenly Father respond to this obedience with a "crushing" action on the sick, evil head of the Devil. Your Father will send out such a deafening, bludgeoning explosion into the face of the Evil One that he (the Devil) will literally be smashed, demoralized, beaten back furiously, and in summation, he will be hurt seriously and painfully in any actions that he attempts concerning you! That is, in your will to obey and grow in wisdom concerning the effects and sickness of evil in your life as a believer, and as you hate and reject all evil thoughts and actions, you will see released from heaven an overwhelming and fierce fiery assault against your mortal Enemy Satan. You will be amazed at how he is defeated by God on your behalf. Aren't you ready to see the tables turned on that sick, demented Devil? Good, here is an excellent confession for you in prayer:


Father, I hereby submit myself to obey you in all ways. I offer myself to you to grow in wisdom and understanding of the effects of evil in my life. Through this knowledge, with my eyes wide open, I will worship you alone, and I will "put to death the deeds of the flesh," (Romans 8:13) looking totally unto you. I renounce Satan and all the works of darkness and evil in my life. I affirm the Lord Jesus Christ and receive His loving care to wash me clean in His words of life to me. The Lord Jesus says, "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you." (John 15:3 NKJV) In Jesus’ name I thank you, amen!

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