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Living Under an Open Heaven

The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this

Daily Devotional


October 14

eloved, you must understand that the war for your soul between your Father and the Evil One it is not an even battle.  Satan is a created being by your All-Wise Father in Heaven. He is not divine! He cannot be everywhere always, so he is not omnipresent.  He does not know all things, so he is not omniscient (all-knowing), and, he is greatly limited in his power, so he is not omnipotent.  In fact, a single Christian who is covered by the blood of the Lamb of God can command the strongest devil of hell to flee, and he will!  Remember when the Lord Jesus called together the disciples and sent them forth two by two, He gave them authority over all unclean spirits, and over all the power of the devil!  They returned amazed at the fact that the demons obeyed them fully. Your Father is glorified when you defeat and overcome the power of the devil.  When you resist and defeat the enemy you are strengthened as one who exercises with weights by resistance.  Don't you know that I could have cast him to another planet instead of the earth?  I am not concerned about what he can do against you.  Your part in the matter is to realize that it is imperative that you learn to walk out your Christian journey continually immersing yourself in the fountain of His blood--- the blood of the Lamb, Jesus.  In resisting and in overcoming the Evil One, you prove that you are children of your Father.  Remember the scripture, "For this reason the Son of God was manifest (brought forth into the world) so that He might destroy the works of the devil!" (I John 3: 8) Now, "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!!" (Ephesians 6:10)   Do not focus on the enemy or his plans against you but rather, focus on your Father and the facts that “the weapons of your warfare are not fleshly, but powerful, to the pulling down of (devil’s) strongholds!" (II Corinthians 10:4) You will win!  You have already won!  Rejoice and move on in victory in the Lord Jesus!


  Father, in the great and wonderful name of Jesus, you said, "Now is the prince of this world (Satan) judged, now is he cast out!" (John 12:31) I thank you that you have made the least Christian strong in his face.  I will cleanse myself in His blood and go forth to victory, in the name of Jesus, amen!

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