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Living Under an Open Heaven

The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this

Daily Devotional


March 25

hild of the King, do you know how important and helpful it is for you to drink water and to eat food. If you don't drink water, soon you will dehydrate and die. If you don't eat food, your body will eventually starve to death. If you starve yourself spiritually and do not drink from the Fountain of Life which is to meditate on and read the word of the Lord, you will starve and thirst to death spiritually. It is important that you see to the needs of your spiritual body as well as your natural body. "Man (men and women) shall not live by bread, but by every word of God." (Luke 4:4 NKJV) Notice this passage from Luke 4. It tells you that your very life depends on the eating of spiritual food. Again, child of God, are you going hungry? This neglect of your spiritual life is shown in certain things going on in your spiritual and physical life: Are you finding yourself weak spiritually in the face of specific temptations in your life? Then, you are neglecting the intake of nutritious, rich wholesome food from the Bible. When you are strong in the Lord you can laugh at temptations--- that's right, you can throw off the Devil's temptations because the eating of the Bread of Life will strengthen you far beyond the strength of the Evil One who is throwing his arrows at you! Are you finding your temper and attitude continually bad toward others? Then, you have not fed your spirit, which in turn feeds and strengthens your emotional being, so that you are able to deny ungodly attitudes and emotions, in fact, you are nourished in the word to take holy actions instead of the unholy. You are stirred up in the strength of the food from the Bible to go forth and conquer in the name of Jesus! Isn't that good news for you? Once again, child of the Lord, if you properly nourish and exercise yourself to godly care for your spiritual life, there is no evil enemy that can out think or overcome you anywhere in the universe. Again, do you see the vast importance in your immersing yourself in the holy word of God? You should determine today, that with everything that lies in you, not one day will pass without fully immersing yourself in the reading or meditating on the word of God. Many of your Father's children feed themselves well on the word and are greatly blessed thereby! You choose. Be weak, sad, depressed and emotionally out of control, or be strong, happy, cheerful and able to do great battle from the strength of the Bread of Life? Which will it be?


Father, help me to realize even more my urgent need to hold the Bible in my hand and not leave home without it. Let me read and meditate on it day and night until it becomes a powerful, life changing, healing element in my life. I love you Father and await your Holy Spirit to stir me up to be strongly motivated to be a "word” man or woman, in Jesus’ name, amen!

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