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Living Under an Open Heaven

The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this

Daily Devotional


October 17

y beloved, are you a strong person or a weak one?  In the word I give a general command to all Christians.  I say, "Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might!" (Ephesians 6:10) If you said, "I am weak much of the time."  Consider that you may be operating out of your own strength and not leaning heavily on the arm of the Lord your God.  "How can I do that, you say?"  Or better still, "Why do I lean on my own strength, and not so much on your strength, O Lord?"  The real reason is because you have too much of a tight control over your own life and destiny, and have not learned how to surrender this control over to the Holy Spirit of God.  It is from your lack of trust.  Many of my children are suspicious of their Heavenly Father and His motives toward them.  Therefore, without knowing it the subconscious attitude is "I will hold tightly to my will and I can protect myself in case God wants me to do something unpleasant or something that does not suit me.”  You need to let go and offer love and confidence to your Father as a true offering of your heart and life to Him.  A lack of trust and confidence in your Father is also a lack of faith in Him.  My word says, "That which is not done in faith is sin!" (Romans 14:23) Child, this is sin standing in the way of you and your Father.  You must in the highest trust repeat the words of my servant Job who said, "Though He (God) slay me yet will I will trust Him." (Job 13:15) Beloved you will never have the great strength and power of your Father released in your life until you let go of your own life and entrust yourself to your Father's tender care.  There is no need to be afraid.  This fear weakens you every time it is expressed.  The greatest source of strength in your life is your love and trust in the goodness and good motives that your Father has toward you and your loved ones.  Did I not say in the word, "Do you not know that it is your Father's good pleasure to give you (my children) the kingdom?" (Luke 12:32) What more can I say to you?  I am not planning your downfall or hurt!  I have plans to "give you a future and a hope!" (Jeremiah 29:11ff) Let down a little bit.  Get peaceful and restful in the living room of your Beloved Father.  I have my eye on you with the constant motivation to greatly bless you and all your loved ones!  Do you believe this?  I love you deeply.


  Father, I have felt weak and powerless sometimes in the face of temptations.  I am guilty of holding too tight a control over my own life and destiny.  I know that I will never walk on the High Places of my Father in Heaven until I truly release myself to you, and love you enough to give my life to you and not ask for it back again.  Let me die to myself, O Lord.  Let me so entrust myself to you and your loving guidance with your hand on my life that I will rise in new found life and strength.  I believe you Father.  You have mighty plans of love for me and my household.  I thank you Father for reminding me of this.  In the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus I bless you, amen!

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